Wednesday, May 13, 2009


In this week's movie in review we Star Trek from the very beginning. If you have wondered about some of the myths an how and where it all started. This is a good movie to see and tell others. It's not too long and it does not drag. The plot is very clear and actors are great for their role, the actors before them would be proud. I give it a "A" for quality,keeping my attention, special effects and star "trekness",( if that is really a word) and you can believe that Trekees all around will be living long and prospering.


There was a lot of buzz with the X-men movie with the origins of Wolverine and I will have to say the movie  didn't give the impact that a pre-sequel should especially according to Marvel comic book fans. There was some action and there was heartbreak but at the end you were left like me saying: "I saw more previews than the actual movie". Now Wolverine will have to claw it's way to stay in the top 5 of movies coming out in the summer of 2009. Whereas other people will see the movie and be content with it overall it still leaves it hanging perhaps for a sequel.