Thursday, June 19, 2008

11:02 update...

::Bob Dylan's new morning plays in the background::

just walked up to town, got the yellow wristband on my arm and threw down a huge tarp just behind the last stack on the stage right side of the fairgrounds. we came back to pick up some chairs, grab some drinks and relax for about an hour.

It is yet another cloudless day in telluride. kids are selling lemonade on the side of the street, though i am still on water for the moment.

i learned yet another lesson for next year (And i'm keeping a list):
1. bring a bicycle.

since we got a good tarp spot, i'll be going baack by noon to see cadilac sky then uncle earl. though by the time arlo comes on, i think i'll go find some shade.

no pictures yet, but i'll start taking some pics -- sadly i can't upload them from the iPhone... yet...

music to check out while i'm gone: Tim O'Brien



Lil Birdy said...

The Uncle Earl G'earls would love to see some photos as they forgot their camera!!! THanks!

boyder said...

I'll get the few pics and the one or two small video clips i have of you guys up...

but (embarassingly as it is to say) I was far back for the set and didn't meander up to the front for any of it to get better shots. Something about getting a sunburn seemed appealing at that point....