with my camera refusing to turn on.
"wt fucking f." - Ryan Adams
::a Lasko rotary fan hums in the window, blowing a cool breeze across my toes::
really, the second day of the festival and I can't take a damn picture other than on my phone. great.
whatever, we'll make the best of it... by starting the day with a glass of Jameson and forgetting I have a camera all together.
so, i decided that i'm not a music critic, and me trying to talk bluegrass in any sort of critical form just reads painfully.... so while i'll keep up with that, there's plenty of other stuff i'm more capable of writing about.
like the guy out of his head on mushrooms in front of us for Ryan Adams set last night.
Had the camera not broken, I could have gotten a picture of this guy scooping up dust in his hands, throwing into the air and laughing. Oh, and he sang along at the top of his lungs with Adams as he sang Oasis's 'Wonderwall'.
At least he was a nice kid. He offered to roll my friend a cigarette. However, I"m sure it would have taken him an hour and it would have turned out in the shape of a question mark or something like that.
Adams' set was great. You could see the look of 'oh, i'm not going to tlike this' on some of the more docile festivarians faces as the soundcheck guys cranked his amps to 11 (sadly over a recording of Crooked Still from last year).
In what I am to understand is typical, he popped out on stage late, mumbled something incoherent and then blasted into his rock/folk/emo mix of tunes.
btw, don't try and walk from east to west across the festival grounds at night. the light from the food booths WILL blind you, and you WILL walk into the back of a lowback chair. this happened to me twice.
ended up near the stage at the end for a tiny glowstick war. i'll post some vids of it later.
After the show, i decided not to do any night grass concerts and instead went for a classy drink at the Sheridan Bar (which is under construction, but opened up for the festival - hence the overflowed toilet).
Somehow ended up in a condo watching some 23-year-old playing a drinking game where they duct-tape their beer cans together as they finish them. needless to say the guy with the longest beer-can-cane was torched and making an ass of himself as he tried to be the funny guy at the party.
came home around 1:30, passed out and feel like a damn champ thismorning.
off to Bridal Veil Falls for a hike with greg and sara, then on to the festival!
music to check out while i'm gone: Paper Bird. They aren't playing the festival, but dear god they should be. These three girls voices are like honey dipped in melted glass dipped in pixie farts -- and the trombone/banjo/bass/guitar instrumentation is amazing.
(in the pics: Max the Team-Awesome Telluride mascot and shots from Ryan Adams)
(more to come later)
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